Yes. It’s one of the most powerful words in the human language. And if you think about all the things we do as marketers, the ultimate goal is to get people to say “yes” to what we have to offer!
Yes to opening your email. Yes to clicking on a link. Yes to downloading, signing up, donating, or buying. And your job’s not over after just one yes — it takes several progressive “yeses” in order to move someone down your sales and marketing funnel, deeper into the buyers journey.
So how do you persuade more people to say “yes”?
When an offer is exclusive, scarce or in high demand, it becomes more desirable. Today we will look into creating irresistible elements for your offers, which can help overcome a leads’ typical doubt or concern. Why do these elements work? Because they all trigger a physiological reaction that makes the offer more valuable. If someone thinks the value of your offer is bigger than what you’re asking them for in return they are more likely to accept the offer. The higher this perceived value, the more irresistible the offer becomes!
So how do you create one of these irresistible offers? Let’s look into five different elements you can use..