”If you have more money than brains, do outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, do inbound marketing.” – Rand Fishkin, CEO, SEOmoz
Do you want to have the power to turn your website visitors into subscribers and customers? Today, we are extremely pleased to announce the birth of Inbound Rocket, a robust customer acquisition and lead generation plugin for WordPress that allows you to grow you business and maximize your growth.
It used to be that the size of your wallet determined the scope of your success. But no more. Now even the smallest of companies can attract the best-qualified leads, simply by offering the right content, to the right people, at the right time. And you don’t need a big wallet. You just need the right tools.

Most marketing software platforms are too costly and unmanageable for small businesses. Smaller teams don’t have the time to manage these big software installations, never mind the time required to use them properly. Sure, there are some free tools. But they’re often too different from each other to work well together, creating confusion and complications due to duplicated work and inefficiencies of scale.
So hello world, we are Inbound Rocket!
In short Inbound Rocket can be very helpful for anyone wanting to do lead generation using WordPress. We are about to start launching our very first version and we are really looking forward to your thoughts and feedback on our product. So sign-up now and give it a try!