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How To Generate Leads Using Facebook

How To Generate Leads Using Facebook

Social Media platforms like Facebook are an amazing way to get the interaction started with your target audience. In this article, we will give you seven tips to use Facebook to the maximum to generate more leads for your company.

What you should not do according to Facebook

Maybe you’ve got a Facebook page for your business, and you’re starting to generate more fans and likes? In our previous article, we talked about five way to get your posts seen more on Facebook. Facebook itself gives three tips about status updates you should better not put on your page:

  • Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app;
  • Posts that push people to enter promotions and sweepstakes with no real context;
  • Posts that reuse the exact same content from ads.

Facebook wants you to see your page as one of the pillars of your online identity instead of just another way of communicating with your fans.

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Posted in Social Media Marketing, Lead Conversion | 3 responses

5 Ways to Get Your Facebook Posts Seen by More People

5 Ways to Get Your Facebook Posts Seen by More People

Do you have the feeling that none of your Facebook updates are appearing in the timeline of your Facebook followers? And are you wondering how Facebook determines whether or not they should show your updates in the timeline of your followers? According to a study done by MarketingLand, organic Facebook reach has dropped 52% in 2016.

As a small business owner though you probably don’t have tonnes of money to spend on buying Facebook advertorial space. You want to get as much organic reach on each post as possible – or a post being seen by a user on Facebook without you having to pay to promote it. Facebook’s algorithm is a complex one, and one of their well-guarded secrets. However, over time, some key factors were identified that help contributes to your organic reach:

  • A user’s previous interactions with your page – did they like, share, and/or commented previously on your posts? Then they’re more likely to have new ones appear in their feeds organically;
  • A users’ previous interactions with certain post types. When they engaged with every video you post, then they’ll see your videos popping up more in their newsfeed;
  • The interactions with other people who saw your posts. Facebook starts by showing new content to a small set of your followers (based on the previous two points), if those people engage with it (likes, shares, comments) then Facebook will include the post in more user’s feeds.
  • Any complaints or negative feedback. If a Facebook user reports your post to Facebook or says they’re not interested in content like this, then Facebook won’t show that content to them anymore;
  • When was it posted? New content is the most interesting, the longer something is online, the higher probability that it is not that relevant anymore to your users. Facebook knows this so by identifying from which timezone your fans are you can adjust your posting time, to a time when they are awake and ready to engage with your content.

Besides these general topics we’ve also got some more in-depth points identified which we will take you through in this article:

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Posted in Social Media Marketing | 3 responses

The 5 Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tips For 2016

Whenever there is a visitor in your site, you want him/her to perform a desired action like say signing up for a free account, becoming a member of the site, answering the poll, etc.

When a visitor acts on it, it is called a conversion which is critical for you if you want to achieve your business goals. But driving conversions is not that easy, and since the competition keeps on increasing every day, you have a difficulty in realizing your conversion dreams. Moreover, research has shown that only 22% of businesses are pleased with their present conversion rate. So the remaining 78% percent who are not achieving their targets must be going somewhere wrong.

There are numerous ways which have been overlooked, but if they are given a chance and implemented properly, you will see your business booming in a few months.

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Branding Essentials: How To Come Up With The Best Name For Your Startup

In our series around the branding of your startup or small business, we already talked about how you can use lean startup principles for branding your company. We also talked about the 6 P’s of branding, which helps you make up your brand story (positioning, promise, personas, personality, product, and pricing).

Every brand story, however, needs a hero, somebody who people can relate too. Recognition will start with your brand name. The name appears on your website, your business cards, your social networks, your product, and everywhere else.

In both offline and online, to identify your company and your company’s products and services. Today we will be looking into one of the most frustrated items around branding: the naming of your startup.

Naming your newly founded company is often met with a lot of frustration. It’s hard enough to come up with a name that isn’t already in use, but in the end, your entire team has to agree on the name as well. At the end to only found out, you forgot to check if the Twitter, Facebook or any other social handle wasn’t already taken and you’ve got to start your searching from scratch again.

Not to put you under even more stress, but getting the right name for your new company can help make or break your branding.

For example, in 1997, athletic gear company, Reebok, launched a new women’s running shoe with the name Incubus. The big problem was, though that an incubus is a male demon who visits women in their sleep to rape them, as pointed out by a newspaper in Arizona. Reebok recalled 18,000 boxes of shoes and had to apologise for the mistake they made.

So how do you come up with a good and effective name? What things should you do (or do not do) when naming your company?

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Posted in Inbound Marketing, Inspiration, Minimum Viable Brand, Social Media Marketing | 6 responses

Brand Essentials: How to Create an Authentic Brand Story

In our previous post, we talked about how you can utilise “lean” startup principles to start building your brand. Today we will look into the six essential parts of any brand story: positioning, promise, personas, personality, product, and pricing.

Most marketers spend countless hours (either in college or at your work) learning about the 4Ps of Marketing. Philip Kotler has left an enormous impact on the industry. Product, Price, Promotion, Place.

A lot has changed in the world since these were first introduced. As a follow-up on our previous post in which we gave an intro into how you can utilise “lean” startup principles to start building your brand. We talked about different ways to describe what a brand is, but what is it that a brand does?

A brand is something intangible, but for most business their brand is or becomes their most important asset over time. An amazing brand will help influence the choices your potential customers, employees, or even your investors are making. In today’s world with so much different choice, such an influence becomes crucial for commercial success and the creation of value.

But that still leaves us with big questions about how to grow your brand.

Why do some brands acquire market share faster than their competitors? Why does the marketing of one brand seem more effective than that of others? What makes a brand powerful?

Today we will be looking into the six essential parts, which make up any great brand story:

  1. Positioning – How are you useful for your customer?
  2. Promise – What do you promise to do for your customer?
  3. Personas – Who are the heroes in your story? Who are the persons you’re trying to help?
  4. Personality – Who are you?
  5. Product – What will you offer, over time?
  6. Pricing – How much is this going to cost your customer?

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Posted in Inbound Marketing, Minimum Viable Brand, Social Media Marketing | 3 responses

6 Startup Founders Share Their Secrets On Startup Marketing

Let’s face it, when you’re getting started with your company, one of your main concerns is going to be growing your company. It doesn’t matter how great you think your idea is, and how big a problem you’re trying to solve if you fail to gain any traction everything might still be all for nothing.

We understand that, when you’re getting started, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to afford a marketing agency or even hire your dedicated marketing team. In the early days, you probably have to take care of the marketing yourself.

In today’s world, there are countless of different strategies to grow your business and do marketing. There are also tons of mistakes you can make as we showed you in an earlier article, but it’s often only a few tactics that will help skyrocket your growth.

In this post, 6 startup founders will share their top marketing tricks. Hopefully, this will give you some ideas on how to go to market and get your company off the ground. Keep in mind though that what works well for one company might not work that well for yours so it’s always important tot test!

Let’s dive straight into their answers, here they are in random order:

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Posted in Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Inspiration, Social Media Marketing | 3 responses

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Startup Online Without a Big Budget

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Startup Online Without a Big Budget

Startup marketing is a whole different science.

“Build and they will come” doesn’t work.

Those overnight success stories are often the result of years of hard work. Startup marketing is challenging because of limited resources (time, money, or even talent). Every effort, no matter how small, must be flawlessly executed. Traditional strategies don’t always work. So what can you do when you just don’t have the budget for a big marketing campaign?

Let’s go over six things that can get your marketing moving in the right direction, without having to spend much besides sweat equity.

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Inbound Marketing Is About Much More Than Getting Found Online

Inbound Marketing Is About Much More Than Getting Found Online

You’ve read all the blogs, all the books and you’ve got this amazing blog. Your blog is Search Engine Optimised, you even got a very active social media community. The top of your Inbound Marketing funnel is overflowing, and while this is amazing, you’re only half way there.

When Inbound Marketing started, it started as a response to the negativity that was surrounding getting prospects via traditional “outbound marketing” methods. Things like advertising and direct mail were costing a lot of money and were not getting the results on prospective clients or leads as they used to do. People were getting tired of being interrupted by irrelevant marketing messages all the time. Customers were starting to perform their own research, they started using search engines and social media sites to get the information they needed to make their buying decisions.

By prioritising relevant and very useful content, companies were starting to attract customers to their website on the terms of the customer. Inbound Marketing was forming a valued and welcome alternative for the buyers.

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The Most Common Marketing Mistakes Made By Startups

The Most Common Marketing Mistakes Made By Startups

As a startup founder, you have to wear many different hats within your organisation. Most times the teams are still very small so everyone needs to wear different hats in to get the company of the ground.

Startups face a number of unique challenges when it comes to marketing. With restricted budgets, limited resources, and a desperate need to get their name visible to the public, it puts entrepreneurs in a tight spot. Nine times out of ten, marketing is not even the founder’s speciality! And that’s why we tend to see the majority of startups making the same avoidable mistakes.

After working with startup founding teams for the last couple of years, we found the evidence is clear: You can have the best product or service in the world but if you don’t have a solid go-to-market plan, your business will fail. (assuming, of course, your startup is fixing a real problem).

In addition to laying out the vision, establishing a growth strategy, and building and supporting their team – in most cases they’re also doing (or managing) all of the marketing efforts. Nine times out of ten, marketing is not the founder’s specialty. As the founder of your company, knowing when and how to invest in marketing your business may just be the key ingredient to success.

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Posted in Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Inspiration, Lead Conversion, Social Media Marketing | 5 responses

Content Promotion Strategies: 33 Ways to Get Traffic

Content Promotion Strategies: 33 Ways to Get Traffic

“If you write great content, people will find it.” While that’s certainly a nice dream of a world in which marketers can just focus on creating outstanding content, it’s just not accurate anymore.

Over 2 million blog posts are published to the web each day. Making it much harder than ever to build an audience and get people to notice you. According to an older blog post by Neil Patel, content creation is only half the battle – the rest is gaining notice.

no traffic = no conversions
So while it’s tempting to celebrate after you finished publishing your newly created content for lead generation, you’re not done just yet. You can’t just put a piece of content up on your website and hope that people will find it, you’ve got to actively promote it to your audience.

But that’s where a lot of us get stuck. What else can we do to get people to notice, and hopefully convert on, that new piece of content you created?

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Posted in Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing | 9 responses

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