Inbound Rocket

Google AdWords for Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Google AdWords for Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Imagine you’re talking with one of your closest friends and they tell you about this interesting bird fact that they read. “Did you know there’s only one bird in the world that has nostrils at the end of its beak? It’s the… Ah… One second,” your friend says, hesitating.

“Hold on. Let me Google it.”

Google, the search engine giant, is both a noun and a verb. The act of searching online is often referred to as “googling” something (Google’s official feelings about using “Googling” to refer to searching on any other search engine aside.) That the public has strongly embraced the use of “Google” as a verb in our vernacular is unsurprising, considering the market share Google as compared to competitors. In 2017, Google averaged a net search share of 74.54%—while Yahoo, Bing, and others averaged a 5% to 10% market share.

With a high market share and around 3.5 billion searches per day, gaining visibility on Google is a goal for many company’s advertising efforts.

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Google Featured Snippets: The Complete Guide To Hitting Position Zero On Google

Google Featured Snippets: The Complete Guide To Hitting Position Zero On Google

Since Google’s search engine was launched, companies and website owners have been competing against each other to hit the top spot on Google for particular keywords related to the products and services they offer.

As the internet grows, more and more businesses are launching a website and also tapping into the world search engine optimisation. Today, improving Google ranking of a website is considered one of the most important aspects of being successful on the internet.

While paid advertising solutions often provide effective results when trying to attract new visitors and grow sales over a short period, these methods can cost a lot of money.

The results provided by Google search rankings, also called organic search traffic, are usually considered more valuable. Traffic that lands on a website as the result of a search can be customised to be highly targeted – many companies have been able to adjust their search engine optimisation strategy in such a way to only attract visitors that are very likely to convert to a customer through their techniques.

The way Google indexes websites and determines which site should rank higher for particular keywords are continually changing. Google frequently announces new updates to their search algorithm. Google Hummingbird, Mobile Friendly Update, Panda Update and Penguin Update are only some of the most recent updates Google has made to their search algorithms, as reported by Search Engine Land.

The search giant also frequently launches new features that enhance the user’s experience while using their search engine. While companies were all battling for the top position on Google, which was usually referred to as position number one, many companies are now changing their strategy and instead aiming for position “0” (zero) to attract more people to their website.

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How SEO Fits Into An Inbound Marketing Strategy

How SEO Fits Into An Inbound Marketing Strategy

To many marketers, SEO has always been considered a bit of a mystery. No matter how many tactics, techniques and methods you know and use, the fact that the rules and algorithms are constantly changing mean that you have to always be on your toes.

When trying to make the connection between this continuously evolving entity and your inbound marketing strategy, the link is not always clear. However, as time goes on, the more important this link is becoming.

In fact, it looks like SEO may become one of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to inbound marketing.

Today, we’ll explore the ins and outs of SEO and how it directly correlates with your inbound strategy, enabling you to take back control of your marketing efforts.

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Activate Your Brand Advocates Today And Skyrocket Your Inbound Results

Activate Your Brand Advocates Today And Skyrocket Your Inbound Results

Today’s brands exist in a digital era and, by default, they are most concerned (or should be) with the question of interactivity, connectivity, and immediacy, especially as it relates to marketing. Brands invest a lot of money into making sure that their customers can easily find and connect with them, and they do that through inbound marketing.

Why inbound marketing?

Well, because inbound outperforms everything else in that hefty bags of marketing tricks. There are many reasons why brands made a substantial shift from traditional marketing methods but here are a few that paint the picture most vividly:

  • Inbound yields 3X more leads per dollar than traditional marketing methods. Not spending your money where it does most good would (in the words of Guy Kawasaki) just prove that you have more money than brains.
  • Close to 70% of online buyers spend time reading branded content before deciding to purchase. When was the last time you made a substantial purchase without consulting Google first? Hotel bookings, electronics, furniture, kitchen tiles – you name it, we’ve all googled it.
  • 94% of B2B buyers research online before committing to purchase. Your industry is no longer an excuse – inbound is relevant in every single one. If you’re not doing it, you’re leaving money on the table.

Like we said, all these iron-clad reasons are difficult to pick apart.

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How Facebook Groups Can Help You Increase Your Organic Reach

How Facebook Groups Can Help You Increase Your Organic Reach

Years ago before any of the major social networks popped up on the internet every little niche had their forums on the web. Some of them had tens of thousands of active users talking about anything you can think of. From restoring cars to training your dogs.

All you had to do was perform a search in the reigning search engines of the day, and you could find a great forum to participate in and started building relationships with the people on the forums.

Nowadays, Facebook Groups have pretty much replaced those niche forums. This is great from the user point of view because you can participate in 30 groups at the same time and it all runs through your Facebook newsfeed.

What we’ve seen happening over the last year though is that more and more people and brands are moving away, migration from Facebook Pages to Facebook Groups. This movement is understandable because Facebook made it harder and harder to get any of your fans to see any of your updates unless you pay to boost your posts.

There are, of course, ways to get better engagement on your Facebook page, even without ads, but at the end of the day, it is becoming harder every day to get noticed, to appear in the newsfeed of your fans without payments.

One of the other reasons why Facebook Groups are becoming more and more popular is because you can build a real relationship with your target audience.

Between the migration from old school forums and Facebook page owners, Facebook Groups has created an ecosphere where every target audience is actively reading and engaging with posts. A Facebook Group allows for a two-way interaction, where group members can post messages and ask questions as well.

In this post, we will be looking how you too can use this great medium to your advantage, how you can build real relationships again with your audience on top of Facebook.

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Posted in Social Media Marketing, Inbound Marketing | 5 responses

Business Growth With Inbound Marketing: Focus On Process Not Technology

Business Growth With Inbound Marketing: Focus On Process Not Technology

Inbound marketing as a term has been around since 2006. Back then, Hubspot CEO Brian Halligan coined the term, and the marketing automation company went gangbusters pushing the inbound methodology.

Inbound is the process of growing traffic and revenue by creating content that attracts buyers to you. Through insights and ongoing efforts, you nurture prospects through a lifecycle to purchase. While the term inbound marketing is ten years old, the ideas behind it are older. Seth Godin’s 1999 book, Permission Marketing also brings up the idea of marketing that informs prospects, makes friends and turns them into customers.

Today, companies that follow the inbound process have been shown to be 4x more effective in hitting growth and revenue goals. Across industries (B2B & B2C) inbound is embraced.

Companies using Inbound Marketing

If you want to grow your organisation this year, put down the cold calling and start thinking about the way your customers are shopping.

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Why Your Content Marketing Leads Arent Converting (And What To Do About It)

Why Your Content Marketing Leads Arent Converting (And What To Do About It)

Inbound Marketing is going mainstream. More and more companies are convinced about the value it can bring to their organisation, and as a result, you probably start to produce high volumes of content.

Significant amounts of Content Marketing material that lead to high volumes of leads. Maybe the open, click and response on your campaigns are a little bit above average as well. Feels great, doesn’t it? However, if at the end of the day this all does not translate into good quality leads or even better opportunities that convert to revenue, your efforts and investments are wasted.

Having a week-over-week growth on your website and email list is is all great to see, but are also a bunch of Vanity Metrics that might look shiny but it is not going to make a difference to your bottom-line.

For you to maximise your ROI on the content that you’re creating, you need to convert these leads into something tangible. Something that you can assign a dollar value too.

If you’re not at this point yourself yet, don’t worry you’re not alone. According to a 2013 research conducted by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, 93% of marketers are using content marketing, but only 9% of them thinks it is “very effective”.

So how can you move your leads to the next level and start seeing the benefits to the bottom line of your company? In this post will be looking at different ways why your leads are not converting and what you can do about it.

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Posted in Lead Conversion, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing | 3 responses

The Skyscraper Technique, A Proven Framework To Boost Your Traffic

The Skyscraper Technique, a Proven Framework To Boost Your Traffic

Content marketing has been on the rise for some time now. As a result, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to capture the attention of your target audience. Are you experiencing more and more problems to deliver your content to meet your leads and customers expectations? Do you need to spend more and more advertising budget to get that traffic in?

As a result of, this battle for attention, content marketers are getting more and more creative. They start to experiment with new mediums to place their content; anyone tried Anchor yet? They start to varying their approaches the bring in that consistent flow of leads. From listicles to infographics, to video content, to podcasts. You need to come up with new types of content that resonate with your audience.

Only the fittest brands survive. Brands need to turn into a chameleon, not a dinosaur to stay relevant for their audiences.

So what can you do to remain relevant in the content marketing game? Try the Skyscraper Technique.

“It’s human nature to be attracted to the best.”
— Brian Dean (

That’s why the world’s tallest building (the Burj Khalifa) attracts almost 2 million visitors per year. The Skyscraper Technique (coined by Brian Dean of is a content-driven link building technique that takes advantage of this. It is designed to help you create content that drives traffic and helps you keep driving traffic.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the technique and show you, how you can use it for your business to get that evergreen traffic arriving at your front door.

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Content Marketing Basics: How To Start A Successful Blog

Content Marketing Basics: How To Start A Successful Blog

By now, we’ve given you already a lot of different articles about the importance of Content Marketing in today’s world. And we think you know that starting a blog is one of the easiest ways to share your ideas and expertise with the world.

So you’ve decided to give this Content Marketing a “go” for your company and are thinking to yourself what I should do now?

We know that for a lot of people starting a blog sounds like a complicated thing. But is it?

It used to be that you needed to have lots of technical skills and know about all these acronyms like HTML, CSS or PHP. But nowadays starting a blog is almost as simple as sending someone an email. That is if you follow our guidelines we’ve put down in this article for you.

If you follow our step-by-step instructions, you will be able to set up and make your blog, avoiding common mistakes and getting started on the right tracks. And the best thing? No technical skills are required!

Ready? Let’s go!

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8 Marketing Automation Mistakes You Might be Making And What To Do About it

8 Marketing Automation Mistakes You Might be Making And What To Do About it

Marketing Automation, the process of automating parts of or maybe even your entire marketing funnel. In an ideal situation, it helps to guide your prospect through their buyer’s journey with relevant and timely communications. Communications that help nurture them from a prospect to lead, to a customer and in the long run even to brand advocates.

Marketing Automation works in parallel with the efforts of your sales team. It can shorten their sales cycles, decrease the cost per lead and improve customer retention.

Sounds like an ideal world scenario right?

It sounds like such a holy grail that according to research by Pardot in 2013 at that time already:

A quarter of all B2B Fortune 500 companies are already using marketing automation, along with 76% of the world’s largest SaaS companies.

And although marketing automation adaptation has exploded in the last couple of years, too many marketers still make a lot of mistakes in the implementation and usage of their marketing automation tools. Like any tool, marketing automation is only as good as the person using it. If you fail to set up your tools in a proper way this can lead to frustration in the short team and lots of missed opportunities in the long term.

So what are some of the most made mistakes by companies of any size in regards to marketing automation and how to fix them? Let’s dive in.

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Posted in Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing | 15 responses

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