Building an audience for your company can be achieved in a couple of different ways. In the old days, you would buy ads in your (local) newspaper; you did radio ads, tv ads or any other ad you could afford with your marketing budget.
Then came the internet and the same old advertising model moved along to the web.
But people are getting blinder every day for these types of companies trying to scream for attention. In a recent piece on Medium Jeremy Ettinghausen even called it “Why Does Digital Advertising Suck?”
He states:
The reason most digital advertising isn’t very good is that most people in advertising don’t really get the internet.
So unless you’re creative and have the potential budget to act upon it, how can you and your small business still generate business online?
That’s where Content Marketing came in over the last couple of years. After all, you know your market in which you’re operating best, right? So why can’t you help your potential customer solve their problems in the same way your product helps them only through media you are creating and promoting?