Inbound Rocket

The Skyscraper Technique, A Proven Framework To Boost Your Traffic

The Skyscraper Technique, a Proven Framework To Boost Your Traffic

Content marketing has been on the rise for some time now. As a result, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to capture the attention of your target audience. Are you experiencing more and more problems to deliver your content to meet your leads and customers expectations? Do you need to spend more and more advertising budget to get that traffic in?

As a result of, this battle for attention, content marketers are getting more and more creative. They start to experiment with new mediums to place their content; anyone tried Anchor yet? They start to varying their approaches the bring in that consistent flow of leads. From listicles to infographics, to video content, to podcasts. You need to come up with new types of content that resonate with your audience.

Only the fittest brands survive. Brands need to turn into a chameleon, not a dinosaur to stay relevant for their audiences.

So what can you do to remain relevant in the content marketing game? Try the Skyscraper Technique.

“It’s human nature to be attracted to the best.”
— Brian Dean (

That’s why the world’s tallest building (the Burj Khalifa) attracts almost 2 million visitors per year. The Skyscraper Technique (coined by Brian Dean of is a content-driven link building technique that takes advantage of this. It is designed to help you create content that drives traffic and helps you keep driving traffic.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the technique and show you, how you can use it for your business to get that evergreen traffic arriving at your front door.

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Posted in Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing | 6 responses

High-Selling Content: How to Write Amazing Product Descriptions

High-Selling Content: How to Write Amazing Product Descriptions

The product descriptions play an important role in your goal to achieve more sales. If your website’s content doesn’t entice buyers to purchase the products, the chances of increasing revenue are very low. However, there are several strategies you can rely on if you want to boost your description writing skills.

First of all, ask yourself this question: how powerful are your current product descriptions? If you’re getting the sales you’re aiming for; they are probably all right. If, however, you don’t find the number of buyers to be increasing, you need to make some immediate changes in this aspect. We’ll suggest few tips for you to implement to start writing amazing product descriptions.

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Posted in Content Marketing | one respons

Content Marketing Basics: How To Start A Successful Blog

Content Marketing Basics: How To Start A Successful Blog

By now, we’ve given you already a lot of different articles about the importance of Content Marketing in today’s world. And we think you know that starting a blog is one of the easiest ways to share your ideas and expertise with the world.

So you’ve decided to give this Content Marketing a “go” for your company and are thinking to yourself what I should do now?

We know that for a lot of people starting a blog sounds like a complicated thing. But is it?

It used to be that you needed to have lots of technical skills and know about all these acronyms like HTML, CSS or PHP. But nowadays starting a blog is almost as simple as sending someone an email. That is if you follow our guidelines we’ve put down in this article for you.

If you follow our step-by-step instructions, you will be able to set up and make your blog, avoiding common mistakes and getting started on the right tracks. And the best thing? No technical skills are required!

Ready? Let’s go!

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Posted in Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing | 9 responses

5 Ways To Leverage Social Proof To Increase Your Conversions

5 Ways To Leverage Social Proof To Increase Your Conversions

Brands use (online) marketing to enhance their visibility. To build an awareness around their product or services so that when the moment is there that people are in the mood for buying you’re on top of mind. But what good will that do if your leads, your consumers, the people who could use your product or service don’t trust you?

Trust is a strange thing; it can make people comfortable to hand over their hard earned money, or their personal information, or some other valuable item for them. But if there is no trust, that all will stay shut. Trust is an essential item in your conversion funnel, in the journey people take from becoming someone who passes by to someone who buys.

Even for building your reputation, it isn’t something that is automatically there, and it is something that needs to be developed over time.

The big problem with trust, however, is that the best way to earn it is via experience. Think for a second about the brands that you trust most in your life, why do you trust them? High chances are that you believe them because you’ve engaged with them enough times in the past that they’ve earned that trust. If you just met this brand for the first time, how can you possibly believe them?

That’s the dilemma that a lot of startups are facing. How can you build trust with people if this is the first time they’ve laid their eyes upon you?

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Posted in Lead Conversion | 6 responses

8 Marketing Automation Mistakes You Might be Making And What To Do About it

8 Marketing Automation Mistakes You Might be Making And What To Do About it

Marketing Automation, the process of automating parts of or maybe even your entire marketing funnel. In an ideal situation, it helps to guide your prospect through their buyer’s journey with relevant and timely communications. Communications that help nurture them from a prospect to lead, to a customer and in the long run even to brand advocates.

Marketing Automation works in parallel with the efforts of your sales team. It can shorten their sales cycles, decrease the cost per lead and improve customer retention.

Sounds like an ideal world scenario right?

It sounds like such a holy grail that according to research by Pardot in 2013 at that time already:

A quarter of all B2B Fortune 500 companies are already using marketing automation, along with 76% of the world’s largest SaaS companies.

And although marketing automation adaptation has exploded in the last couple of years, too many marketers still make a lot of mistakes in the implementation and usage of their marketing automation tools. Like any tool, marketing automation is only as good as the person using it. If you fail to set up your tools in a proper way this can lead to frustration in the short team and lots of missed opportunities in the long term.

So what are some of the most made mistakes by companies of any size in regards to marketing automation and how to fix them? Let’s dive in.

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Posted in Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing | 15 responses

Everything You Need To Know About Email Segmentation And Personalisation

Everything You Need To Know About Email Segmentation And Personalisation

Email marketing is evolving every day. It is no more about how many emails are sent to how many subscribers. The focus has come down to quality, once marketers would rely on batch and blast technique. Although there are many who still like to flood the subscribers’ inboxes on a daily basis, the majority chunk is now working on sending personalised emails. Email segmentation and personalisation can be referred as the most viable alternative to batch and blast technique.

It is important for the subscribers to read the emails. If they are not reading, then it is hard to convince them to take the next step. And to make them read, there is a need to send out emails that align with their interests.

So, how do we do that?

Email segmentation and personalisation is the answer.

For instance, an email from Modcloth was good enough to hold its customer’s attention, and also aligned with their interests. The use of GIF in the email content scored them some more brownie points.

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Posted in Email Marketing | 6 responses

Seven Tips For Creating The Optimal Cross-Channel User Experience

Seven Tips For Creating The Optimal Cross-Channel User Experience

Nowadays users interact with your company through many different channels. What might start on the web, might go to mobile and tablet applications, emails, print, radio, social media, by talking to your employees on the phone for customer support, etc., etc.

When users engage with your company through a particular channel, they don’t consider it to be the “email channel” or the “mobile channel” (as you might describe the different touch points internally). They just see it as one of the many interactions that make up their entire user experience with your company.

Cross-channel marketing or multi-channel marketing or omnichannel marketing or whatever term you prefer internally is all about engaging with your customers or leads across every channel and any device you might think of.

The subject itself is something you might have heard about before somewhere. Although you might have thought about it before, or you might already have dipped your toes a bit in the water regarding cross-channel user experiences, a lot of companies are still missing out on a lot of opportunities to make it work for their business.

Having a consistent customer experience across different channels increases the brand awareness and helps deliver a higher conversion in the end. But what are the items that a good User Experience design needs to adhere to achieve this? Resmini and Rosati, authors of the book Pervasive Information Architecture, Designing Cross-Channel User Experiences defined seven items to keep in mind when designing a cross-channel experience:

  1. Customer focused
  2. Consistent
  3. Recognisable
  4. Channel Specific
  5. Complementary
  6. Measurable
  7. Anchored within the organisation.

Let’s dive into all seven, so you too can deliver an optimal cross-channel customer experience for your clients!

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Posted in Content Marketing, Inspiration | 2 responses

How To Hire A Professional Content Marketer For Your Business: Tips And Tools

How To Hire A Professional Content Marketer For Your Business: Tips And Tools

As a small to medium-sized company, it’s typical to have an ‘all hands on board’ approach to operating. You are often made to wear multiple hats and do a variety of different jobs, which can not only be overwhelming but may also extend beyond the capabilities of your skillset. Because of this, outsourcing certain tasks can start to make a great deal of sense.

You will quickly find that content creation is a large portion of keeping your business updated and relevant online. Search engines and readers alike love to see fresh, new content, updated regularly. While you could spend all of your time dedicated to this task, delegating it to a professional leaves you free to focus on the rest of your business needs.

The person you choose to create and market the content for your business will essentially become the voice of your company and brand. It’s for this reason that this is such an important decision when it comes to finding and hiring that person. Here are some excellent tips for what to look for when hiring your content marketer, so you attract and find the best person for the job, who will put the best face on your company.

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Posted in Content Marketing | 3 responses

The Headline Formula That Will Urge Your Readers To Click Every Time

The Headline Formula That Will Urge Your Readers To Click Every Time

Let us ask you a question, what made you click on this post’s headline — whether you saw it on Facebook, Twitter, Google, or in an email?

Maybe you clicked it because it promised to solve a problem for you — how to write better headlines?

Or maybe because it promised you could learn to start writing headlines the right away?

Just like when you want to write copy for an advertisement, when doing content marketing it is crucial, to begin with, a stunning, attention-grabbing headline.

According to David Ogilvy, also known as “The Father of Advertising”, author of Confessions of an Advertising Man:

“on average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. If you haven’t done some selling in your headline, you have wasted 80 percent of your client’s money.”

If you were not convinced yet, those should be some powerful words which should motivate you to start paying more attention to your headlines. Especially in today’s worlds where there is a rapidly shrinking attention span happening. Next, to that, there is advertisement everywhere and lots of content competing to get the attention of your target audience.

In other words, headlines are more important than ever!

In this blog post, we will talk you through an effective formula known as the Four U’s. The Four U’s is a strategy developed by Michael Masterson, and if you want to dig even deeper after reading this post, we suggest reading “The Copywriter’s Handbook” by Robert Bly – a must-read for copywriters, advertisers, and marketers.

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Posted in Content Marketing | 8 responses

5 Ways to Convert More Customers with Context-Aware Emails

5 Ways to Convert More Customers with Context-Aware Emails

When was the last time you were excited to open up your email? If you’re a little bit like most people, you probably don’t look forward to opening your email inbox; it’s exploded with all the newsletters you at one point subscribed to, all the emails from the different social networks where you’re a part of, etc.

And let’s be honest with ourselves: most emails indeed are a bit annoying. According to research done by IDC in 2013 (full research available here), social media seems to evoke “excitement” as the prevailing sentiment.

80% of the 18-44-year-olds check their smartphone straight after waking up, and that is not to check on email. The word that comes to mind when talking about email? Productivity. Emails are a chore.

Of course, using great subject lines, you might make people interested in opening up your emails, but the excitement mostly quickly gets away as soon as the email is opened.

Still, email marketing is still one of the most efficient ways of communicating with your customer, but email marketing campaigns have stayed mostly the same over the last couple of years. Many brands are simply not trying anything new.

In here, lies a significant opportunity for you and your brand.

What if you could make your emails more interesting? And what if, by making them more attractive, you could increase opens, click-throughs, and conversions?

In this article, we’re going to look into different tactics that can make that happen for you and your brand.

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Posted in Email Marketing, Inspiration | 6 responses

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